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This feeling sux!

1 Apr

I’ve forgotten the feeling of being…..loved, cared and showered with concern. =\

Definitely not goodbye

25 Jan

My bestfriend’s leaving tomorrow for Brisbane and I don’t know what to feel.


20 Jan

Signed up for aquarobics class as part of my 2011 resolution and today was the first lesson. I HAD SO MUCH FUN! Seriously! Plus point; Rozi was there with me! Awesome k ada geng! Selenge sama2. Hehe! Nurul’s gonna join us next lesson. Confirm kecoh! Hehe!

Many may find aquarobics kental and embarrasing. At least that’s what I thought. But tawakkal je lah. Nak healthy (+ lose weight) punya pasal. So I should swallow my ke-paisey-an. Furthermore, you don’t feel sticky and icky from sweating after a workout. But really, after you get the hang of it, you’ll forget about being embarrased and will concentrate on your moves and postures. I didn’t even give a damn on the small audience looking at us as if we’re some exhibits. In my head I was like, “what see see? at least i’m making an effort here to lose weight! you’re just standing there wasting time coz you’re just plain lazy! *sticks out tongue*” cey macam paham sak aku! haha! But actually no lah.. “nak tengok, tengok lah. dah biasa jadi centre of attention lagi pun!” HAHAHAHA!

Hopefully after the 12 sessions is over, I’ll manage to lose at least tak banyak, 2kg pun jadilah! See.. Saya sungguh tak tamak. Bagus betol budak Nisha ni.

Looking forward to next week’s session! Fats, lemak and tayar around perot, GO AND DIE! I don’t wanna see your face again! This is goodbye!


15 Jan

It’s 2011 and I feel that I should start (or at least, TRY) blogging regularly again. Read my old blog (which I updated almost every day, mostly with unimportant details) and had a sudden rush of emotions. It’s a nice feeling lah. It’s like talking to an old friend about things that only the two of you understand. And since it’s already 2011, I guess I should just make BLOGGING REGULARLY as one of my resolutions!

My other resolutions include:

a) spending more time with people that matters!

So far,

– I’ve tried my very best to go home early from work at least once a weeknight to spend time with my parents

– Plan meet-ups with friends (but selalu kena reject or buih. kesian!)

Runni’s Birthday Surprise (08/01/11)

Karaoke & Monopoly Deal (14/01/11)

b) kick negative/unappreciative/penyamun/minta kena smack people outta my life

So far,

– kicked 1 person out & wished that I never knew him!!!! waste time only! URGHHH!!

c) take better care of my health a.k.a trytoloseweight

So far,

– Signed up for Aquarobics class with Rozi & Nurul. ;D WE CAN DO IT, GIRLS!!

d) be a better muslim

So far,

– Have yet to skip my religious class on every Wednesday. Syabas, Inspector Sahab! =8B

e) learn to cycle

So far,

– Research on the internet for tips or any good bomoh beskal =__=”

f) learn to play a musical instrument

So far,

– Done nothing, zero, zilch!

g) learn to drive and park the car confidently & bukan mcm confident only

So far,

– watch people drive and admire from afar. LOL!

The epitome of time waster

14 Oct

Used to blog (almost) all the time over at my old blog. But not here. Suspect kuat the fengshui kat sini kurang baik ah! ;P

So anyway, I feel like blogging today (after visiting this blog, during the lepak session at lunch time at Liza’s table [sambil chui2 abang encemzzz.teehee!~ *twirl2 tudung*]). The last blog post was by Nadzim, who in case you forgot, is the guest writer of this blog. Not that I mind (since he writes well sampai kadang-kadang aku pun tak faham) but I have a *coughs* reputation to maintain so… I decided to blog today though I’ve experienced numerous cock mind block today. Tak percaya, you can ask my secretary, Liza. Talking is a torture for me today. Had to dig my mind dalam2 just to find one single (simple pulak tu) word. Suspect semalam banyak makan (kuih sarang) semut.

Actually right… I don’t exactly have a topic to blog about or a story to tell. I just want to spout nonsense and pray hard that it makes sense and someday my word will be quoted in a literature book or something.  Hmmm.. maybe I should write a poem ala Nadzim so maybe someday I could use it during a speech on my wedding day.


White as dove,

High up above,

Wear a glove.



Or maybe… since Nadzim writes poem, I should write pantuns! Which remind me of a pantun which I wrote during Secondary school for my Malay lesson.



Jangan kita suka cancel.

THAT scored me a “jumpa saya”. =(

But THAT to me was a masterpiece! Awesome what the pantun!!

WAIT! I just have an inspiration for another pantun… here goes:

Angkat telefon cakap.. “Wei!”

Jangan kita suka buih.

OMG i’m so lame! I think I just wasted  5 minutes of your time with my awesome blog post. NYAHAHA! I think I should be an author or a playwright. Confirm the world will be a better place. =8B

Actually 2 of my lecturers did commented that I write pretty well! At first I was damn proud ah.. happy lonjat2 sumer… but then… I sense  some cynicism lalu saya berkata di dalam hati, “YEAH RIGHT!!!~~”.

This is it

10 Jul

After almost 4 years in this company, I’ve officially bid it goodbye today. This isn’t the 1st time, I left the company a few months ago, but  came back a week after that because I was offered a post in another department. I really hope history will repeat itself. I would love to come back. =)

The decision to leave wasn’t made by me but by the company’s HR. The company has some weird policies that seriously don’t make sense to anyone!!! My boss, even the department’s director, were fighting for me to stay. But it was a losing battle since the HR has “the company policy” as their immunity. Oh wells!

Working in the newsroom also made me realize how sucky my English is. Haha! Well, obviously the reporters and editors’ English are tip top with flawless grammar. It was depressing for me. I love Singlish too much, man! But I had no choice but to TRY to speak good English, minus the “lahs”, the “mehs” and the “lors”. Difficult nak mampos!!!

I loved doing whatever things I had done! From writing to coordinating 60 odd people. From attending events to liaising with top management people. Had the chance to see the “behind the scene” of  the media (which isn’t all glamourous, if you ask me). I even had a 1 day stint as the director’s secretary! Definitely an eye opener. The lessons learnt in this company are numerous and obviously…invaluable.

But the best outcome from joining the company is the friends I made over the years.

But the one that I will undeniably miss the most is my bestfriend, Liza!  ='( But i’m glad we are “conquering” KL tomorrow together!!! 😉

And I shall abrubtly end this post because I can’t think of anything to say. heh.


29 Jun


i was 22.


i turned 23.

i feel wiser.

happy birthday, awesome me! heh.